Allah's praise and eulogy of the prophets
Exalted is Allah Whom heights of daring cannot approach and fineness of
intelligence cannot find. He is such First that there is no extremity for
Him so that He be contained within it, nor is there an end for Him where
would cease.
A part of the same sermon about the Prophet
kept the Prophets in deposit in the best place of deposit and made them
stay in the best place of stay. He moved them in succession from
distinguished fore-fathers to chaste wombs.
Whenever a predecessor from among them died the follower stood up for the
cause of the religion of Allah.
About the Holy Prophet and his Descendants (`Itrah)
this distinction of Allah, the Glorified, reached Muhammad - peace and
blessing of Allah be upon him and his descendants. Allah brought him out
from the most distinguished sources of origin and the most honourable
places of planting, namely from the same (lineal) tree from which He
brought forth other Prophets and from which He selected His trustees.
Muhammad's descendants are the best descendants, his kinsmen the best of
kin and his lineal tree the best of trees. It grew in esteem and rose in
distinction. It has tall branches and unapproachable fruits.
He is
the leader (Imam) of all who exercise fear (of Allah) and a light for
those who seek guidance. He is a lamp whose flame is burning, a meteor
whose light is shining and a flint whose spark is bright. His conduct is
upright, his behaviour is guiding, his speech is decisive and his decision
is just.
sent him after an interval from the previous Prophets when people had
fallen into errors of action and ignorance. Allah may have mercy on you.
Allah shower His mercy on you ! Do act according to the clear signs,
because the way is straight and leads to the house of safety while you are
in the place of seeking Allah's favour, and have time and opportunity.
books (of your doings) are open and pens (of angels) are busy (to record
your actions) while your bodies are healthy, tongues are free, repentance
is accepted and deeds are accorded recognition.