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Temporary Marriage in Islamic Law
Sachiko Murata
Quick Link Chapters 1 2 3 4
Chapter 1 Permanent Marriage
I. The Pillars Of The Marriage Contract
A. The Formula
B. The Persons
A man and woman may be forbidden from marrying for several reasons
C. Guardianship (wilaya)
D. Witnesses
II. The Statutes Of Marriage
A. The Dower
B. Support
C. Annulment (faskh)
III. Divorce (Talaq)
Cases when divorce is irrevocable
IV. The Waiting Period ('Idda)
V. Forswearing (Ila')
VI. Zihar
VII. Sworn Allegation (Li'an)
VIII. Inheritance (Mirath)
Chapter 2 The Four Pillars Of Mut'a
I. The Formula
II. The Persons
III. The Time Period (Mudda)
IV. The Dower
Chapter 3 The Statutes Of Mut'a
Conditions In The Contract
Coitus Interruptus
Sworn Allegation
The Waiting Period
Renewing The Contract
Chapter 4 The Legitimacy Of Mut'a
The Shi'i View
The Sunni View
1. The Qur'anic Argument
2. The Sermon of 'Umar
3. The Hadith Transmitted by the Companions
Arguments Derived From The Hadith
The Shi'i answer to the Sunni argument on the basis of hadi'th
The Opinions Of The Four Sunni Schools Of Law
The Shi'i Juridical Argument
Shi'i reasons for considering mut'a permissible (al-Tusi)
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